About Us

Pastor Francisco Sabado
and Dr. Diane Sabado

We are a Generational body of believers

We believe God has called us to partner together across the generations to fulfill his purpose for our church.

We believe deeply in the importance of Knowing Our Identity in Christ

When we know who we have been created to be, we are empowered to walk in obedience to His purpose.

We know there is power in the Gospel of Transformation

We are called in Romans 12:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17 to not remain where we are, but to continually be transformed into the men and women God created us to be.

We have a value for creating a Culture of Empowerment

We truly desire to create a culture where believers are being empowered in their giftings, both spiritually and practically.

We know the power of Community

We are a multicultural church who desires to “do life together”; we support one another through various stages of life.

We feel a responsibility to Future Generations

We desire to empower future generations through education as well as equipping them to influence the world.

We desire to live out Compassion for others

We desire to be a church where compassion is our first response, and not an afterthought. We believe in coming alongside hurting people so that no one suffers alone.

We are Pursuing Excellence in everything we do

We want to be a people that takes ownership for what God has entrusted to us, from our finances, to our building and everyone who walks through the door.

We desire to be a church that embodies a spirit of Generosity

We know that He is the source of ALL and we are called to partner with Him in our giving, both in our tithes, and to our community.

We are a church where Active Participation is encouraged.

We take ownership of what God has blessed us with, we don’t want to be consumers but instead we want to pour into the kingdom.

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